Premium Quality, Turnitin-Ready Papers

Affordable and original work that fits your deadline, or refund

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Learning shouldn't be frustrating. But sometimes, the process can get overwhelming.

Time runs short. So many things to do. But the assignments won't stop coming.


Assignments start at $10-$18/page

Choose your expert, choose your price - we empower you to make the best decisions for your needs and budget, with no unnecessary middlemen.


No-cost plagiarism report

AI or Human? Original or not? Identify content source instantly. Every paper is crafted from scratch, rigorously checked for uniqueness via top-tier tools like Turnitin.


Quick as a click

Once you pay, the countdown starts. We can do it in one hour if needed, on-time work is important to us. If we miss your deadline, you get a full refund - no games, no fuss.


Any subject, we can help

Only experts in your specific area of study can reach out. This guarantees a 100% match - premium quality help. If our services don't meet these high standards, we will offer a full refund.

We spell success with one letter: A

So we built a marketplace to solve all your writing problems. It’s filled with vetted experts competing to help you with your assignments.

Our plan is simple:

  1. You Post Your Prompt
    The more details you share, the better we can help.
  2. Experts Make an Offer
    You are always in control here!
  3. You Pick the Best Offer
    You can always chat with the expert first.
  4. Your Expert Stays in Touch
    No guessing, no stressing.
  5. Your Project Gets Delivered
    You'll get an email when it's done.
  6. Revisions are an option
    You have 14 days to check for quality.

Why Wait?

Post your prompt now and stop worrying about the deadline.

Because let’s be honest

This can only go 1 of 2 ways:

Grade nirvana.

You get the results you deserve and stay on track to pass that class.

Sweat and slave.

Pull another all-nighter. Risk taking that class again next semester.

Wanna know more?

As students, we know you have questions—and not just about your homework.

Tutors work with each student on an individual basis, which means content does not get stored, shared, or reproduced elsewhere. Your work’s originality can be confirmed using Turnitin or by contacting our service team.

When you post the question, you’ll be able to indicate your timeline. You can get help in as little as 1 hour. You’ll also be able to chat with your tutor before the work begins so your deadline, instruction, and time zone are all crystal clear.

Tutors reach out to you with their offer based on their experience, your urgency, and the complexity of your request. They also compete with each other so that you pay a fair price, even in a pinch.

When you set up an account, you’re able to create an anonymous username. This is our built in safeguard to make sure your identity stays local. Beyond this, we use the latest banking technology to ensure that payments are safely processed.

StudyGate is picky about who they work with, but an approved tutor doesn’t necessarily mean you will hear from them to get help. Only subject-specific experts are allowed to message you about your post, which means that you meet with experts who will be familiar with your topic before you even start. For more information, check out our my tutors page.

Yes. StudyGate categorizes its work based on five subjects: mathematics, science, business, programming, and humanities. There are categories within those subjects to help as well. Once you post a question, those specific experts (and only them) will be notified

If you are not happy with the work, StudyGate will make it right. We have a no bullshit promise in place that is backed by a refund policy. It’s our way of saying that we take your trust seriously… and we don’t mess around.