

统计数据网站:Top 20统计资源网站


1. The World Bank Data 世界银行

统计数据网站 world bank

24 of 40 LibGuides mentioned one or more of the statistical databases on this site. Some World Bank Data databases may be by subscription only.
众多专业学术学者都提到了此站点上的一个或多个统计数据库。 其中某些世界银行数据数据库可能仅通过订阅才能查看。

2. International Monetary Fund Data and Statistics 国际货币基金组织

20 of 40 LibGuides listed one or more of the databases available from the IMF. This site has International Monetary Fund financial data from 1970 – 2010.

3. UNESCO Data Center 联合国科教文组织

15 of 40 LibGuides listed the UNESCO Data Center on their LibGuide. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) collects a wide “range of policy-relevant, timely, and reliable [international] statistics in the fields of education, science and technology, culture and communication.”

4. EuroStat 欧洲统计数据

13 of 40 LibGuides listed this site. “Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union situated in Luxembourg. Its task is to provide the European Union with statistics at European level that enable comparisons between countries and regions.”

5. UNdata 联合国数据库

11 of 40 LibGuides listed this site. UNdata is a data access system to UN databases containing information on “Agriculture, Crime, Education, Employment, Energy, Environment, Health, HIV/AIDS, Human Development, Industry, Information and Communication Technology, National Accounts, Population, Refugees, Tourism, Trade, as well as the Millennium Development Goals indicators.”
UNdata是对联合国数据库的数据访问系统,其中包含有关:农业,犯罪,教育,就业,能源,环境,卫生,艾滋病毒/艾滋病,人类发展,工业,信息和通信技术,国民核算,人口,难民,旅游业, 贸易以及千年发展目标指标。

6. International Statistical Agencies – US Census 美国人口普查局

10 of 40 LibGuides listed this site. This is an alphabetical list of country statistical agencies compiled by the United States Census Bureau. It is frequently updated.
这是由美国人口普查局编制的国家统计机构的字母顺序列表网站。 该网站经常更新。


10 of 40 LibGuides listed this site. “The OFFSTATS database provides access to free [international] statistics from official sources on the web.”

8. CIA World Factbook

9 of 40 LibGuides listed this site. “The World Factbook provides information on the history, people, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 266 world entities.”

9. NationMaster

9 of 40 LibGuides listed this site. NationMaster is “a massive central data source and a handy way to graphically compare nations. NationMaster is a vast compilation of data from such sources as the CIA World Factbook, UN, and OECD.”

10. International Data Base (IDB) – US Census Bureau

7 of 40 LibGuides listed this site. “The International Data Base (IDB) offers a variety of demographic indicators for countries and areas of the world with a population of 5,000 or more.”

11. SourceOECD

7 of 40 LibGuides listed this subscription database. Access is limited to University of Utah faculty, students, and staff. Source OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) is “the OECD’s Online Library of Statistical Databases, Books and Periodicals.”
访问仅限于犹他大学的教职员工,学生和教职员工。 来源经合组织(经济合作与发展组织)是经合组织的统计数据库,书籍和期刊在线图书馆。

12. Statistics Canada

7 of 40 LibGuides listed this site. “Statistics Canada… produces statistics that help Canadians better understand their country—its population, resources, economy, society and culture.”

13. United Nations Statistical Databases

统计数据网站 UNSD

7 of 40 LibGuides listed this site. “The Statistics Division… compile[s] and disseminate[s] global statistical information, develop[s] standards and norms for statistical activities, and… facilitate[s] the coordination of international statistical activities”.

14. LABORSTA – International Labor Organization (ILO)

5 of 40 LibGuides listed this site. “View and download data and metadata for over 200 countries or territories from LABORSTA, an International Labour Office database on labour statistics operated by the ILO Department of Statistics”

15. UN Comtrade – United Nations

5 of 40 LibGuides listed this site. “This web site provides access to information and data on International Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS)”.

16. United Nations Demographic Yearbook

4 of 40 LibGuides listed this site. “The United Nations Demographic Yearbook collects, compiles and disseminates official statistics on a wide range of topics…since 1948 … disseminates statistics on population size and composition, births, deaths, marriage and divorce on an annual basis. Demographic Yearbook special topics issues cover a wide range of additional topics including economic activity, educational attainment, household characteristics, housing, ethnicity and language”.
该网站收集,汇编和传播有关广泛主题的官方统计数据。自1948年以来,每年传播关于人口规模和构成,出生,死亡,婚姻和离婚的统计数据。 主题问题涵盖了广泛的其他主题,包括经济活动,教育程度,家庭特征,住房,种族和语言。

17. GeoHive

统计数据网站 Geohive

4 of 40 LibGuides listed this site. “GeoHive, a site with geopolitical data, statistics on the human population, Earth and more. The main kind of data you can find here is population statistics of regions, countries, provinces and cities. Next to that there are some statistics on economic factors like wealth, infrastructure; statistics on natural phenomena”.
该网站是一个拥有地缘政治数据,有关人口,地球以及其他方面统计数据的站点。在这里可以找到的主要数据类型是地区,国家,省和城市的人口统计数据。此外,还有一些经济因素统计数据 例如财富,基础设施;自然现象统计。

18. United Nations Statistical Yearbook

4 o 40 LibGuides listed this site. “The United Nations Statistical Yearbook is an annual compilation of a wide range of international economic, social and environmental statistics for over 200 countries and areas of the world”. *This is a PDF publication, not a database.
这是世界200多个国家和地区的广泛国际经济,社会和环境统计的年度汇编。 属于这是PDF出版物,而不是数据库。

19. UNCTAD Statistics Online

The goal of this site “is to provide the statistical data essential for the analysis of the world trade, investment, international financial flows and development.”

20. USDA Foreign Agricultural Service

4 of 40 LibGuides listed one or more of the databases listed on this site. under Browse by Subject, click on one of the topics such as Market and Trade Data or Country Information.


Bureau of Economic Analysis  美国经济分析局

Bureau of Justice Statistics 美国司法统计局

Bureau of Labor Statistics 美国劳工统计局

Bureau of Transportation Statistics 美国运输统计局

Census Bureau 美国人口普查局

Economic Research Service 美国经济研究处

Energy Information Administration 美国能源信息管理局

National Agricultural Statistics Service 美国国家农业统计局

National Center for Education Statistics 美国国家农业统计局

National Center for Health Statistics 美国国家卫生统计中心

Internal Revenue Service: Statistics (Statistics of Taxes and Income) 美国国税局(税收和收入统计)


Albania: Institute of Statistics

Anguilla: Statistics Unit

Argentina: National Institute of Statistics and Censuses

Armenia: National Statistical Service

Australia: Australian Bureau of Statistics

Austria: Statistics Austria

Azerbaijan: State Statistical Committee

Bahrain: Central Statistics Organisation

Belarus: National Statistics Committee

Belgium: Statistics Belgium

Belize: Statistical Institute of Belize

Bermuda: Department of Statistics

Bolivia: National Institute of Statistics (INE) (in Spanish only)

Brazil: Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE)

Bulgaria: National Statistical Institute

Burkina Faso: National Institute of Statistics and Demography (in French only)

Cambodia: National Institute of Statistics

Canada: Statistics Canada

Chile: National Institute of Statistics (INE)

China: National Bureau of Statistics; Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Census and Statistics Department; Macau Special Administrative Region Economic Services

Colombia: National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE) (in Spanish only)

Costa Rica: National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (in Spanish only)

Cote d’Ivoire: National Institute of Statistics (in French only)

Croatia: Croatian Bureau of Statistics

Cyprus: Department of Statistics and Research

Denmark: Statistics Denmark; Statistics Faroe Islands (in Faroese only)

Djibouti: Ministry of the Economy, Finances and Privatization Planning (in French only)

Dominican Republic: National Statistics Office (in Spanish only)

Estonia: Statistical Office of Estonia

Fiji Islands: Statistics Bureau

Finland: Statistics Finland; Statistics and Research Åland

France: National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE)

Germany: Federal Statistical Office

Gibraltar: Government of Gibraltar Information Services

Greece: Hellenic Statistical Authority

Greenland: Statistics Greenland

Honduras: National Institute of Statistics (in Spanish only)

Hungary: Hungarian Central Statistical Office

Iceland: Statistics Iceland

India: Ministry of Statistics

Ireland: Central Statistics Office

Isle of Man: Economic Affairs Division

Israel: Central Bureau of Statistics

Italy: National Institute of Statistics

Japan: Japanese Statistics Bureau

Jersey: Statistics Unit

Jordan: Department of Statistics

Kenya: Central Bureau of Statistics

Korea, Republic of: Statistics Korea

Latvia: Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia

Lebanon: Central Administration for Statistics

Liechtenstein: Amt für Statistik Liechtenstein

Lithuania: Statistics Lithuania

Luxembourg: Central Service for Statistics and Economic Studies

Macedonia: State Statistical Office

Madagascar: National Institute of Statistics (in French only)

Malaysia: Department of Statistics

Malta: National Statistics Office

Mauritania: National Statistics Office (in French only)

Mexico: National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Informatics (INEGI) (in Spanish only)

Moldova: Department for Statistics and Sociology

Montenegro: Statistical Office of Montenegro

Morocco: Planning Commission (in French only)

Namibia: Namibia Statistics Agency

Nepal: Central Bureau of Statistics

Netherlands: Statistics Netherlands (CBS); Aruba Central Bureau of Statistics;

New Zealand: Statistics New Zealand; Cook Islands Statistics Office; Niue Statistics; Tokelau Statistics Unit

Nicaragua: National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INEC) (in Spanish only)

Norway: Statistics Norway

Palestinian Authority: Central Bureau of Statistics

Panama: Directorate of Statistics and Census (in Spanish only)

Paraguay: General Directorate of Statistics, Surveys and Censuses (in Spanish only)

Peru: National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (in Spanish only)

Poland: Central Statistical Office

Portugal: Regional Statistics Service of Madeira

Rwanda: National Institute of Statistics

Samoa: Statistical Services Division

Sao Tomé and Principe: National Institute of Statistics (in Portuguese only)

Senegal: Directorate of Forecasting and Statistics (in French only)

Seychelles: Statistics and Database Administration Section

Singapore: Department of Statistics

Slovenia: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

South Africa: Statistics South Africa

Spain: National Institute of Statistics

Sri Lanka: Department of Census and Statistics

Surinam: General Bureau of Statistics (most content in Dutch only)

Swaziland: Central Statistical Office

Switzerland: Swiss Federal Statistical Office

Taiwan: Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics

Tanzania: National Bureau of Statistics

Trinidad and Tobago: Central Statistical Office

Turkey: State Institute of Statistics

Uganda: Bureau of Statistics

Ukraine: State Statistics Committee of Ukraine (click on ENG for English content)

United Arab Emirates: National Bureau of Statistics; Statistics Centre—Abu Dhabi; Dubai Statistics Center

United Kingdom: National Statistics; Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency; General Register Office for Scotland

Uruguay: National Institute of Statistics (in Spanish only)

Venezuela: Central Office of Statistics and Informatics (OCEI) (in Spanish only)

Zambia: Central Statistical Office

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