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Top 5 Spanish Tutors Online

96 Spanish tutors available online

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All the tutors I’ve dealt with on StudyGate were extremely helpful and professional. I don’t write reviews often, but you should definitely give it a try!

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Maura helped me in all 3 subjects and did a fantastic job. She gave me more help in a few minutes than the other tutors I have tried taught me in 2 hours! - Jessica at KU

Thomas was constantly bending over backwards to accommodate my changing schedule. The response times were always “blazingly fast” like the site says, but more importantly he knows the subject extremely well. - Samuel at OSU

I had to write a character analysis of Atticus Finch from tkam. I wanted to pay someone to do it but found something better. George helped me make an outline. He showed me where to research. He gave some sources to get started. I got an 89! - Brian at Northwestern

I met with Matthew probably 20 times to get ready for my finals. I recovered from surgery for the first 6 weeks of class and needed to catch up quickly. Matthew was flexible with scheduling and knew the subject very well. - Morgan at ASU

The first meeting with Ruth went great. She was VERY of understanding of my not having a solid foundation in math and we dove into the basics together. - Angel at UF

I finally was able to break down this chapter with Gabriel in a way I could understand. He could move fast or slow whenever I needed, which helped a lot. He was efficient too, which saved me a lot of money. - Conor at USC

If you are anything like me it is fastest to just guess the answer and see what comes up wrong and then have someone explain it so you understand. Neha does all that and more. - Mia at Vanderbilt

Le Z is super patient to make sure you understand. Demand for resources, wage determination, public finance, information asymmetries, and income inequality. He broke it all down for me with the answers. - Robin at UT Austin

StudyGate helped me with so many assignments. I highly recommend it! - Robin at WSU

My favorite part of lessons with Brahmanand is when we take a very complex problem then break it down into its basic parts. This makes it WAY easier to grasp. - Ian at PSU

Nsomu has been giving me lessons for about four months. He knows the subject and helps me identify targets for improvement. Which gives me more time with my friends. - Dalton at Wellesley

Vishal is a rare teacher who can entertain and engage me while actually teaching me. He is creative and listens to me as well as polite. Truly a pleasure to work with! - Katelyn at Texas A&M

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The Overrated Way to Learn Spanish

If you want to learn Spanish fast for your homework, there are some easy ways to get help. The first fact that you need to realize is that there is no specific amount of time that it should take someone to learn how to speak Spanish. Some people might say it should take 6 months or 1 year or 3 years. However, the results come according to the time you actually put in. Measure time invested on a daily basis, and you will see results.
The way to learn Spanish starts with fully submerging yourself in the language. Don’t just sign up for a course or download an app, these strategies will not be enough on their own to make a meaningful difference in your Spanish ability. To fully submerge yourself in the language does not mean that you need to move to Spain or Mexico either. That kind of submersion definitely works. You would have to ask for food, learn how to find the toilet, make friends, enjoy entertainment, and find a place to live in a foreign language. You might even try to find work. All of these things bring challenges and will force you to grow as a Spanish speaker. This experience will bring culture shock and can be painful as you might experience feelings of loneliness and disconnect from the world around you. This kind of feeling would last for about 6 months. However, this is not the only way.

The Easiest Way to Learn Spanish

The best approach for learning Spanish starts with accepting that willpower is the most important factor for learning Spanish and making your homework easier. If you really want to learn Spanish, here are the steps to take. First, change all of your social media to Spanish. Next, change your computer to Spanish. Any digital media that you consume should be in Spanish. You can read Spanish newspaper El Pais and watch their news feed on YouTube. Practice thinking in Spanish to express what you want. Attend events in Spanish. The end result should come with a conversion in your personality. You will understand how people think from a different point of view.
Learning a foreign language requires extreme focus, but it is not very difficult. If you choose to apply yourself to it while working on your Spanish homework, you can supplement your learning with a Spanish tutor. They may not cause you to master the language, but they can point you in the right direction, especially for mastering concepts of grammar and expanding your vocabulary.

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