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Top 5 Music Tutors Online

38 Music tutors available online

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All the tutors I’ve dealt with on StudyGate were extremely helpful and professional. I don’t write reviews often, but you should definitely give it a try!

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Maura helped me in all 3 subjects and did a fantastic job. She gave me more help in a few minutes than the other tutors I have tried taught me in 2 hours! - Jessica at KU

Thomas was constantly bending over backwards to accommodate my changing schedule. The response times were always “blazingly fast” like the site says, but more importantly he knows the subject extremely well. - Samuel at OSU

I had to write a character analysis of Atticus Finch from tkam. I wanted to pay someone to do it but found something better. George helped me make an outline. He showed me where to research. He gave some sources to get started. I got an 89! - Brian at Northwestern

I met with Matthew probably 20 times to get ready for my finals. I recovered from surgery for the first 6 weeks of class and needed to catch up quickly. Matthew was flexible with scheduling and knew the subject very well. - Morgan at ASU

The first meeting with Ruth went great. She was VERY of understanding of my not having a solid foundation in math and we dove into the basics together. - Angel at UF

I finally was able to break down this chapter with Gabriel in a way I could understand. He could move fast or slow whenever I needed, which helped a lot. He was efficient too, which saved me a lot of money. - Conor at USC

If you are anything like me it is fastest to just guess the answer and see what comes up wrong and then have someone explain it so you understand. Neha does all that and more. - Mia at Vanderbilt

Le Z is super patient to make sure you understand. Demand for resources, wage determination, public finance, information asymmetries, and income inequality. He broke it all down for me with the answers. - Robin at UT Austin

StudyGate helped me with so many assignments. I highly recommend it! - Robin at WSU

My favorite part of lessons with Brahmanand is when we take a very complex problem then break it down into its basic parts. This makes it WAY easier to grasp. - Ian at PSU

Nsomu has been giving me lessons for about four months. He knows the subject and helps me identify targets for improvement. Which gives me more time with my friends. - Dalton at Wellesley

Vishal is a rare teacher who can entertain and engage me while actually teaching me. He is creative and listens to me as well as polite. Truly a pleasure to work with! - Katelyn at Texas A&M

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Music Theory Ideas to Make You Smile

If you want music homework help, let’s go over a brief refresher on how the circle of fifths could (in theory) be conceived. With the clear key (no sharps or flats) of C at the top, an increase in sharps (G, D, A, E, F#) represents an increase in musical brightness. In contrast, a movement toward flats (F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db) represents in an increase in darkness. The plagal cadence embraces the tonic, but the dominant cadence arrives at the key.
Another interesting characteristic of harmony comes through the ideas shared by Ernst Levy. Levy argued that every chord contains an opposite based on rotating each note around the axis of the key center. If you play in the key of C, your axis rests between C and G. If playing G-B-D-F to create G7, this will convert to C-Ab-F-D or F-6. This converts to playing on the dark side of the key center.
Now, these ideas are not traditional harmonic approaches that you’ll face in college or high school. Maybe you need to just analyze the difference between a perfect authentic cadence and an imperfect authentic cadence (hint: the highest voice is not the tonic with IAC) or know what a Neapolitan cadence looks like (flatted second [supertonic] or subdominant in first inversion). No matter what kind of music homework you are currently working on, we’re in a position to assist.

How to Find the Right Online Music Tutor

Our tutors possess music degrees, but more importantly they understand how to construct helpful lessons that leave you with a better understanding of great performance practice. They can provide the answers if you’re stuck and show you how they got there. You can even get live lessons from them if you’re looking for a new instrument teacher. Here are the standards by which we choose our music tutors:

  • Credentials can only take a musician so far, especially in music analysis. More than any other subject, our online music tutors are verified by the StudyGate team with an interview and mock lesson.
  • Our music tutors offer blazingly fast music homework help whether you need help with functional harmony at 11AM or Schenkerian analysis at 11PM.
  • Most of us just want to practice Mendelssohn. Or Brahms. Or Glazunov. Whatever your current repertory, we train our music tutors to embrace the answer and make sure you get it. That’s the SG standard: no-BS support from people who know the same subject you are working on.
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