StudyGate is an online tutoring tool designed to connect expert tutors with students who need help with pretty much any subject under the sun. It’s meant to make learning fun, interactive and easy thanks to world-class tutors and digital tools designed by education professionals. Learn more about us here

StudyGate offers two main services: Homework Help and Live Tutoring.
Homework help is meant for one-off questions that have a clear answer. For example, a particularly hard math problem that’s left you stumped or an elusive bug in your code that has you pulling your hair out. You set your budget and your timeline and tutors will bid to give you an answer within those parameters.
Live tutoring is meant for larger concepts that you require one-on-one live help. Physics problems that require graphs and complicated equations, or practicing your spanish, for example. Just like Homework Help, you post your question/subject that you need help with, select a tutor, and then choose a time to meet and work on your problem on the live, online whiteboard. Once you’re satisfied with your answer and you’ve given your tutor a digital high five, they’ll be paid based on your agreed upon hourly rate.
In both tools, you won’t pay until you’re 100% satisfied with the help you’ve received. Learn more about our 100% satisfaction guarantee here.

You can sign up here, or select the Log In/Register button in the top right corner of the page.

Once you’ve logged in to your account, select “Get Answers Now” on your dashboard to get started. It’s free to post a question!

Absolutely. If you want more in-depth help, you can choose our Live Tutoring tool. Through Live Tutoring, you can select a tutor that’s the right fit for your subject and select a time to meet with them online that works for you. Our live, interactive whiteboard makes it easy to visualize whatever subject you’re working on together in real time.

Absolutely not. StudyGate is committed to helping students learn in a safe, comfortable environment. We have a zero tolerance policy for dishonest and/or unethical behavior. You can find our complete academic honesty policy here.

Our expert tutors will not take quizzes or tests for you and will only provide answers in absolute subjects (subjects in which problems only have one clear answer) like math and computer science, and only in an effort to increase your comprehension of the subject.

When you post your question, you’ll include the budget you hope to stay within for your answer. Our expert tutors will review your question and budget and make a bid to let you know that they’re interested in helping you. Generally, it’s a good idea to set a higher budget for answers needed on a quicker timeline (e.g. the budget you set for an answer you need now should generally be higher than an answer you don’t need for a week or two.). Once you choose a tutor and accept your bid, you’ll get started. Tutors don’t get paid until you are 100% satisfied with your answer. Learn more about our 100% satisfaction guarantee here.

When you sign up for an account, you’ll enter your payment information. After you choose a tutor and accept a bid through Homework Help, your tutor will be paid once you’re 100% satisfied with your answer. If you’ve chosen to use the  Live Tutoring tool, StudyGate keeps track of how long your tutoring session is and pays the tutor according to the agreed upon hourly rate.

Your StudyGate wallet is an easy payment option for both you and your tutors. You can easily control how much you want to spend on each bid, and tutors can make sure they’re paid once you are 100% satisfied with the help you’ve received.

If you’re not seeing bids on your question, we recommend that you review your question and add any additional information you have. You can also look through our list of tutors, select a few to send messages to, and see if they’re available to help you.

You can’t currently change your email address linked to your account as it is used to verify your account. If you need additional assistance, please reach out at  [email protected].

Whoops, need to edit your question? Simply click the pen icon to add more details. Figure out your question and no longer need help? Just click the “X” icon to delete your question.

If you’d like to deactivate your account until you need help again, or you’d like to delete your account permanently, you can send a request to [email protected].

We understand that everyone learns differently, and certain tutors may not be a match. You can block a tutor from seeing and bidding on your future questions, though you will still be able to message them.

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